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Naming Conventions

For consistency, form names should adhere to a standard naming convention.

CRUD Forms

Form Names

This, prefixed with the Module Name, will be the path to your form. For normal CRUD forms, the naming convention should be as follows:

{Entity Name}-{Form Type}-{Additional Descriptor} where:

  • {Entity Name} is the name of the entity the form is based on.

  • {Form Type} indicates the type of form (e.g., 'Create', 'Details', 'Table', 'Picker', 'QuickView').

  • {Additional Descriptor} provides extra information to distinguish similar forms. For example:

    • customer-quickView vs customer-quickview-comprehensive - to distinguish between the default Customer Quickview and a more comprehensive version appropriate for selected views.

    • payment-create vs payment-create-from-customer - to distinguish between the default Payment create view and the one used from the Customer details with a Payments child table.

More Examples

  • customer-table
  • customer-details
  • customer-create
  • customer-quickView
  • customer-picker
  • customer-picker-from-account (view with additional descriptor)

Non-CRUD Forms

Forms that do not perform a CRUD operation will follow a looser naming convention. If the form's purpose still centers around a specific entity, the form name should follow something along the lines of:
{entityName}-{operation or Purpose of Form}.