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Main Menu

The main menu is the primary means of navigating through the system. It is highly configurable, allowing you to edit which menu items are visible to the user, as well as which roles and permissions have visibility of these menu items and groups.

To modify the main menu, use edit mode. Refer to this article for instructions on accessing edit mode.

Groups and items share several editable properties, listed below:

  • Title: The text for the menu item displayed to the user.
  • Tooltip: Information displayed when the user hovers over the menu item.
  • Icon: An icon from the icons library describing the menu item.
  • Visibility: Used to modify the visibility of the menu item using scripting.
  • Permissions: Appropriate permissions for viewing and interacting with the menu item. Detailed information is available in the Permission Based Security Model article.

While in the edit menu option, you can add groups and buttons using the "Add Group" or "Add New Item" buttons.


Groups are container menu items that do not redirect, navigate, or execute any code upon being clicked. They are used solely to arrange common logical items together to enhance navigation.


Items are interactive menu items designed to allow the user to navigate through the system when clicked or perform certain actions based on the item type.

  • Line and Separator: Visual elements used to separate items.
  • Button: Navigates and executes scripts or code, introducing three new properties that can be configured based on the selected Button Action.