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Audit Logging

Shesha Entity History framework is based on Abp.EntityHistory (

In addition, were added some Shesha specific features.

Audit trail DataTable configuration

Implemented in Shesha.Application module, Shesha.EntityHistory.EntityHistoryAppService class

Allow to show Audit trail for specific object in the DataTable control.


  • Type of event – type of audited event (Created, Updated, Child object updated, child object added, etc.…) / changes of properties
  • Description – main description of the event (changes of properties, a name of added or removed child entity, a custom event description). If there were changed few properties of entity the all changes will be displayed as one description
  • User – full name of user who made changes or triggered an event
  • Date – date of event

Audit custom events

Allow to add any custom event to audit trail of entity

Add a simple event with “Description” (description)

public void AddHistoryEvent(this object entity, string description)


user.Password = newPassword;
user.AddHistoryEvent("Password reset");

Add an event with “Type of event” (eventName) and “Description” (description)

public void AddHistoryEvent(this object entity, string eventName, string description)


user.Password = newPassword;
user.AddHistoryEvent("Password reset", "Password reset by Administrator");

Add a property change description.

Allow to use a custom description of specific property change instead of a standard description.

public void AddPropertyChangeDescription(this object entity, string description, string propertyName)
// or
public void AddPropertyChangeDescription<TModel, TValue>(this TModel entity, string description, Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> property)


user.IsActive = false;
user.AddPropertyChangeDescription("User inactivated", "IsActive");
// or
user.IsActive = false;
user.AddPropertyChangeDescription("User inactivated", p => p.IsActive);

This change will be shown in the audit trail as: User inactivated instead of "IsActive" was changed from "true" to "false"

Add a property change comment.

Custom comment of change for specific property will be added after standard description.

public  void AddPropertyChangeComment(this object entity, string description, string propertyName)
// or
public void AddPropertyChangeComment<TModel, TValue>(this TModel entity, string description, Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> property)


user.IsActive = false;
user.AddPropertyChangeComment("User inactivated", "IsActive");
// or
user.AddPropertyChangeComment("User inactivated", p => p.IsActive);

This change will be shown in the audit trail as: "IsActive" was changed from "true" to "false" (User inactivated)

Specific property audit Attributes

Audit Boolean properties Attribute

Show a custom trueText or falseText message instead the standard property change message

AuditedBooleanAttribute(string trueText, string falseText)


[AuditedBoolean("SMS Based One-Time-Passwords enabled", "SMS Based One-Time-Passwords disabled")]
public virtual bool OtpEnabled { get; set; }

This change will be shown in the audit trail as: SMS Based One-Time-Passwords enabled instead of "OtpEnabled" was changed from "false" to "true" or SMS Based One-Time-Passwords disabled instead of "OtpEnabled" was changed from "true" to "false"

Audit property change as a custom event

Show a custom description and event type created by a class that implements the IEntityHistoryEventCreator interface or inherits from the EntityHistoryEventCreatorBase class.

AuditedAsEventAttribute(Type eventCreator)


private class SchoolInformationStatusEventCreator : EntityHistoryEventCreatorBase<RefListSchoolInformationStatus>
public override EntityHistoryEventInfo CreateEvent(EntityChangesInfo<RefListSchoolInformationStatus> change)
return CreateEvent("School information status changed",
change.NewValue == RefListSchoolInformationStatus.Submitted
? "Submitted for verification"
: change.NewValue == RefListSchoolInformationStatus.Approved
? "Submitted as final"
: "Not submitted");
public virtual RefListSchoolInformationStatus? SchoolInformationStatus { get; set; }

This change will be shown in the audit trail as: School information status changed: Not submitted instead of "SchoolInformationStatus" was changed from "" to "Draft" or School information status changed: Submitted for verification instead of "SchoolInformationStatus" was changed from "Draft" to "Submitted" or School information status changed: Submitted as final instead of "SchoolInformationStatus" was changed from "Submitted" to "Approved"

Attributes that allow to include audit events of related or children entities to the Audit trail of entity

public class DisplayChildAuditTrailAttribute : Attribute
public string[] AuditedFields { get; set; }

AuditedFields - an array of the child entity field names to be displayed. If this array is provided then the action types that should be shown in the audit have to be added - Created, Updated or Deleted.


[Display(Name = "Parent")]
public virtual Parent SubmittedBy { get; set; }

Show chnages of entity (Parent) related through SubmittedBy field

Display events from generic child entities (e.g. Notes, Attachments, Notifications)

Usually all generic entities implement the IEntityWithMultipleOwnerTypes interface

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class DisplayGenericEntitesAuditTrailAttribute : Attribute
public Type EntityType { get; set; }

public string OwnerIdField { get; set; }

public string OwnerTypeField { get; set; }

public string DisplayName { get; set; }

public string NameField { get; set; }

public DisplayGenericEntitesAuditTrailAttribute(Type entityType)
EntityType = entityType;

EntityType - type of related generic entity (eg. StoredFile, Note, Comment) OwnerIdField - name of field of generic entity that store Id of owner entity. OwnerId by default OwnerTypeField - name of field of generic entity that store Type of owner entity. OwnerType by default DisplayName - name of the type of generic entity that will be displayed in the audit trail. If empty then gets EntityAttribute()?.FriendlyName of the EntityType or uses friendly name of the class of generic entity (EntityType.Name.ToFriendlyName())) NameField - name of field of generic entity that will use to get name of specific related generic entity. If empty then tries to find field with EntityDisplayNameAttribute or uses genericEntity.ToString()


[DisplayGenericEntitesAuditTrail(typeof(Comment), NameField = "Text")]
public class SchoolApplication : FullAuditedEntity<Guid>

Show events from related Comment entities and use Text field of Comment (content of comment) as name (description of event)

Relation entity should implement IFullAudited interface Example of relation structure

public class A

public class B

public class RelationAB
public A ObjectA { get; set; }
public B ObjectB { get; set; }


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class DisplayManyToManyAuditTrailAttribute : Attribute
public Type ManyToManyEntityType { get; set; }

public string DisplayName { get; set; }

public string OwnEntityField { get; set; }

public string RelatedEntityField { get; set; }

public Type RelatedEntityType { get; set; }

public bool AnyRelatedEntityType { get; set; }

public string NameField { get; set; }

public string[] AuditedFields { get; set; }

public DisplayManyToManyAuditTrailAttribute(Type manyToManyEntityType, string relatedEntityField)
ManyToManyEntityType = manyToManyEntityType;
DisplayName = manyToManyEntityType.Name.ToFriendlyName();
RelatedEntityField = relatedEntityField;

ManyToManyEntityType - type of relation entity DisplayName - name of the type of related entity that will be displayed in the audit trail. If empty then gets EntityAttribute()?.FriendlyName of the related entity or uses friendly name of the class of generic entity (Related_Entity_Type.Name.ToFriendlyName())) OwnEntityField - name of field of relation entity that store reference to this entity. If empty then tries to find field with the same type as this entity RelatedEntityField - name of field of relation entity that store reference to related entity RelatedEntityType - type of relation entities (optional). It can be helpful if a type of relation entities is inherited AnyRelatedEntityType - if true then will be found entities with any types by reference from RelatedEntityField. It can be helpful if related entities have different but inherited types (Employee -> Person). NameField - name of field of related entity that will use to get name of specific related entity. If empty then tries to find field with EntityDisplayNameAttribute or uses relatedEntity.ToString() 'AuditedFields' - an array of the child entity field names to be displayed. If this array is provided then the action types that should be shown in the audit have to be added - Created, Updated or Deleted.

Example: Relation entity

public class ShaRoleAppointedPerson : FullAuditedEntity<Guid>
public virtual Person Person { get; set; }
public virtual ShaRole Role { get; set; }
[DisplayManyToManyAuditTrail(typeof(ShaRoleAppointedPerson), "Person", DisplayName = "Member")]
public class ShaRole: FullAuditedEntity<Guid>, IMayHaveTenant

Show events from related Person entities as Member changes. ShaRoleAppointedPerson entities are used as many-to-many relation "Member" added : Full Name of person

Also there is can be inverse relation:

[DisplayManyToManyAuditTrail(typeof(ShaRoleAppointedPerson), "Role", DisplayName = "Role Appointment")]
public class Person : FullAuditedEntity<Guid>, IMayHaveTenant

Show events from related Role entities as Role Appointment changes. ShaRoleAppointedPerson entities are used as many-to-many relation "Role Appointment" added : Name of role

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class DisplayManyToOneAuditTrailAttribute : Attribute
public Type ManyToOneEntityType { get; set; }

public string DisplayName { get; set; }

public string RelatedEntityField { get; set; }

public string NameField { get; set; }

public string[] AuditedFields { get; set; }

public DisplayManyToOneAuditTrailAttribute(Type manyToOneEntityType)
ManyToOneEntityType = manyToOneEntityType;
DisplayName = manyToOneEntityType.Name.ToFriendlyName();

ManyToOneEntityType - type of related entities DisplayName - name of the type of related entity that will be displayed in the audit trail. If empty then gets EntityAttribute()?.FriendlyName of the related entity or uses friendly name of the class of generic entity (RelatedEntityType.Name.ToFriendlyName())) RelatedEntityField - name of field of related entity that store reference to this entity NameField - name of field of related entity that will use to get name of specific related entity. If empty then tries to find field with EntityDisplayNameAttribute or uses relatedEntity.ToString() 'AuditedFields' - an array of the child entity field names to be displayed. If this array is provided then the action types that should be shown in the audit have to be added - Created, Updated or Deleted.


[DisplayManyToOneAuditTrail(typeof(DepartmentUser), DisplayName = "School user")]
public class School : Facility

public class DepartmentUser : GDEPerson
public virtual School School { get; set; }


Show events from related DepartmentUser entities as School user changes. "School use" added : Full Name of Department user

End of the audit trail

Specify the property and value after which the audit will be considered complete

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class PropertyChangeToStopAuditTrailAttribute : Attribute
public string PropertyName { get; set; }

public string PropertyValue { get; set; }

public PropertyChangeToStopAuditTrailAttribute(string propertyName, string propertyValue)
PropertyName = propertyName;
PropertyValue = propertyValue;

PropertyName - name of the audited property PropertyValue - value of the audited property. When the property changed to this value then the audit will be considered complete (records after this changes will be ignored)


[PropertyChangeToStopAuditTrail("SchoolVerificationOutcome", "Deleted By Parent")]
public class SchoolApplication : FullAuditedEntity<Guid>

When the SchoolVerificationOutcome property of the SchoolApplication entity will be changed to Deleted By Parent then the next records of audit for this entity will not be displayed

SQL Stored Procedures for adding Entity history

if you make some direct DB changes you can use Stored Procedures for adding Entity history events

Add list of changes

exec [dbo].[Core_AddEntityHistoryEvents] @changeTime, @reason, @tenantId, @userId, @changes

@changeTime - Date and time of changes. Null will be replaced with current time @reason - Reason of changes @tenantId - Tenant Id @userId - User Id @changes - list (table) of changes. It is a variable of Core_EntityHistoryItem type

CREATE TYPE Core_EntityHistoryItem AS TABLE
/* Entity changes data */
ChangeType tinyint, /* 0 - Created, 1 - Updated, 2 - Deleted*/
EntityId nvarchar(48),
EntityTypeFullName nvarchar(192), /* Fully qualified name of the entity type, including its namespace but not its assembly */

/* Property changes data */
PropertyName nvarchar(96),
PropertyTypeFullName nvarchar(256), /* Fully qualified name of the property type, including its namespace but not its assembly */
NewValue nvarchar(512),
OldValue nvarchar(512),

Description nvarchar(512) /* Optional */

ChangeType - type of changes - 0 - Created, 1 - Updated, 2 - Deleted EntityId - Id of changed entity EntityTypeFullName - fully qualified name of the entity type, including its namespace but not its assembly (C# - entity.GetType().FullName.FullName or typeof(EntityType).FullName) PropertyName - name of changed property PropertyTypeFullName - Fully qualified name of the property type, including its namespace but not its assembly NewValue - new value OldValue - old value Description - optional description


Unlock all locked users - set IsLocked to false for all users with IsLocked with true.

With property changes data. It will be displayed as a property change in the Audit trail (Like User updated event type with description 'IsLocked' was changed from 'true' to 'false' or User updated event type with description User unlocked)

	Declare @changes Core_EntityHistoryItem

insert into @changes
select 1/* update*/, Id, 'Shesha.Authorization.Users.User', 'IsLocked', 'System.Boolean', 'false', 'true', 'User unlocked' /* optional description */
from Core_Persons
where IsLocked = 1

exec [dbo].[Core_AddEntityHistoryEvents] null /* will be used current time */, 'Support ticket #12345: Unlock all users', null, 1 /* Admin user ID*/, @changes

Without property changes date. It will be displayed as a Entity change event (Like User unlocked event type)

	Declare @changes Core_EntityHistoryItem

insert into @changes
select 1/* update*/, Id, 'Shesha.Authorization.Users.User', null, null, null, null, 'User unlocked'
from Core_Persons
where IsLocked = 1

exec [dbo].[Core_AddEntityHistoryEvents] null /* will be used current time */, 'Support ticket #12345: Unlock all users', null, 1 /* Admin user ID*/, @changes

Add single change

exec [dbo].[Core_AddEntityHistoryEvents] @changeTime, @reason, @tenantId, @userId, @changeType, @entityId, @entityTypeFullName, @propertyName, @propertyTypeFullName, @newValue, @oldValue, @description
@changeTimeDate and time of changes
@reasonReason of changes
@tenantIdTenant Id
@userIdUser Id
@changeTypetype of changes - 0 - Created, 1 - Updated, 2 - Deleted
@entityIdId of changed entity
@entityTypeFullNamefully qualified name of the entity type, including its namespace but not its assembly (C# - entity.GetType().FullName.FullName or typeof(EntityType).FullName)
@propertyNamename of changed property
@propertyTypeFullNameFully qualified name of the property type, including its namespace but not its
@newValuenew value
@oldValueold value
@descriptionoptional description

Example: Unlock specific user - set IsLocked to false for user

With property changes data. It will be displayed as a property change in the Audit trail (Like User updated event type with description 'IsLocked' was changed from 'true' to 'false' or User updated event type with description User unlocked)

	exec [dbo].[Core_AddSingleEntityHistoryEvent] null /* will be used current time */, 'Support ticket #12345: Unlock all users', null, 1 /* Admin user ID*/, 1/* update*/, 123456 /* User Id */, 'Shesha.Authorization.Users.User', 'IsLocked', 'System.Boolean', 'false', 'true', 'User unlocked' /* optional description */

Without property changes date. It will be displayed as a Entity change event (Like User unlocked event type)

	exec [dbo].[Core_AddSingleEntityHistoryEvent] null /* will be used current time */, 'Support ticket #12345: Unlock all users', null, 1 /* Admin user ID*/, 1/* update*/, 123456 /* User Id */, 'Shesha.Authorization.Users.User', null, null, null, null, 'User unlocked'