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The address component is a generic component that is useful in any instance where an address field is required and must be stored.

In the above example, the address component was configured with a name of address. Two text fields were dragged into the form. The text fields were named lat and lng respectively and displayed the data as a user selected the relevant address.

It is important to note that in order for this to happen, a script/instruction was inserted in the On Select event which instructed the lat and lng fields to be populated once the data is retrieved from the external map service.

setFormData({ values: { address: event.address, lat:, lng: event.lng }, mergeValues: true })


The following properties are available to configure the behavior of the component from the form editor (this is in addition to common properties.

The minimum number of characters needed before the search can begin.

Debounce (MS)

Debouncing prevents extra activations/inputs from triggering too often. This is the time in milliseconds the call will be delayed by.

Google Maps Key

An API key for authorization. The Google Maps key which is required to make successful calls to Google services.

Open Cage Key

An API key for authorization. The OpenCage key which is required to make successful calls to OpenCage services.

Country Restriction (Area restriction)

A filter which will only allow searches that fall within the country/countries selected. Multiple countries can be selected.

Prefix (Area restriction)

A simple prefix which is appended in the search but not the input search field, often used to create a biased search in address.