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Date and Time Picker

By clicking the input box, you can select a date or time from a popup calendar.


The following properties are available to configure the behavior of the component from the form editor (this is in addition to common properties.


A date range refers to a period of time defined by two dates: a start date and an end date. This value is stored in the form data object as an array. E.g.

"dateRange": ["2023-11-15T16:25:13", "2023-12-18T16:25:13"]

Date Only?

When this is toggled on, it will only send a 'Date' format as a request, instead of a 'DateTime' format

Resolve to UTC

If switched on, the selected time will be converted to UTC (UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time. It is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time). When written, UTC time is typically represented in the format "hh:mm:ss" (hours, minutes, seconds) and can be appended with a "Z" to denote that it is in Coordinated Universal Time. For example, "14:30:00Z" represents 2:30 PM UTC.


This is the type of picker. Options: Date, Week, Month, Quarter, Year


This provides an interface in which to alter the format of the different pickers. Please refer to this document for formatting.

Show Time

This provides an additional time selection panel

Show Now

Whether to show 'Now' button on the panel when showTime is set

Show Today

Whether to show the 'Today' button

Disabled Date Mode

This is used to specify the dates that cannot be selected on the selection panel. Options: None, Function Template, Custom Function

Function Template

This provides a list of pre-populated templates that the user can utilize to disable certain dates. Options: Disable past dates, Disable future dates

Disabled Date Function

This provides a Javascript code editor to enter the disabled date code. You must return true to hide the date. Two objects are exposed to work with, namely ‘current’ and ‘moment’. Use these variables to write code that will hide the dates that you want.

// Future dates
const today = moment().endOf("day");
return current && current > today;

// Past dates
const yesterday = moment().subtract(1, "day").endOf("day");
return current && current < yesterday;